Prestige Serviced Apartment is your home or office away from home, complete with separate bedrooms, living, dining and outdoor areas, work stations and fully equipped kitchens and laundry facilities.
Company Overview
Our current current tenants are all Expats and High Executives working for reputable companies in the Solomon Islands
Founded in 2006, Prestige Apartments aim to provide high quality but affortable accommodation for both business executives and progfessional individuals. We provide a high level customer focused service based on international standard.
Prestige Apartment consist of seven executive apartments 2x 1bdrm, 3 x 2 bedrm, 1 x 3bdrm, 1 x4bdrm and a mansion.
For Booking contact sales manager on:
Phone: +677 742 6319
Email: geoffkaka@yahoo.com.au
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