Today, Sunday the 24th of Novermber marks the beginning of the Miss Pacific Islands Pageant Week in Papua New Guinea.

The Miss Pacific Islands Pageant PNG Committee is honoured and proud to host this year's regional pageant.
Crowning Ball will be at the Stanley Hotel on Saturday November 30th.
For tickets enquires please check the MPIP Facebook page.
NBC as the official broadcaster of this prestigious event will be closely following the week's activities through to the crowning night.
NBC will also telecast LIVE across its three platforms the NBC National Radio 90.7fm, NBCTV, and NBC Online on the actual crowning night.
NBC News

The Miss Pacific Islands Pageant PNG Committee is honoured and proud to host this year's regional pageant.
Crowning Ball will be at the Stanley Hotel on Saturday November 30th.
For tickets enquires please check the MPIP Facebook page.
NBC as the official broadcaster of this prestigious event will be closely following the week's activities through to the crowning night.
NBC will also telecast LIVE across its three platforms the NBC National Radio 90.7fm, NBCTV, and NBC Online on the actual crowning night.
NBC News