What's Good PNG? Sometimes, you have to come out of your comfort zone and feel and experience the struggles many rural Papua New Guineans face. These PNG Parliamentarians should have carried bags or loads of firewood, water or food and walk the tracks day and night to feel the real life and experiences the life of rural settings and the struggles associate with it.
Likely, they were rescued by a tractor as seen on these photos. Riding a tractor is nothing knew to these MPs as people sometimes go to the extreme of carrying them for hundreds of miles on their shoulds. PNG the Land Unexpected!

Amazing Papua New Guinea. Visit Papua New Guinea Today.
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Likely, they were rescued by a tractor as seen on these photos. Riding a tractor is nothing knew to these MPs as people sometimes go to the extreme of carrying them for hundreds of miles on their shoulds. PNG the Land Unexpected!

Amazing Papua New Guinea. Visit Papua New Guinea Today.
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