Two East New Britain Provincial Government agencies, the ENB Development Corporation and ENB Tourism Authority have signed a Memorandum Of Agreement to take tourism to the next level in the Province.

The MOA will see the ENBDC and ENBTA free up more tourism potentials and build infrastructures to grow and sustain the tourism industry.
This is expected to enable the vast majority of people to participate in the tourism industry in East New Britain.
ENBDC Chief Executive Officer, Michael Batia said the signing underpins a preferred business model for the people.
Mr. Batia said ENBDC was set up for the benefit of the people. Thus the MOA will pave the way for greater participation by the people.
ENBTA Chairman, Ron Cook said the two Provincial Government entities will partner in the tourism industry and he is confident the tourism industry will be the catalyst for the other SMEs in the rural areas.
Next : Move to bring World Boxing Title fight to PNG

The MOA will see the ENBDC and ENBTA free up more tourism potentials and build infrastructures to grow and sustain the tourism industry.
This is expected to enable the vast majority of people to participate in the tourism industry in East New Britain.
ENBDC Chief Executive Officer, Michael Batia said the signing underpins a preferred business model for the people.
Mr. Batia said ENBDC was set up for the benefit of the people. Thus the MOA will pave the way for greater participation by the people.
ENBTA Chairman, Ron Cook said the two Provincial Government entities will partner in the tourism industry and he is confident the tourism industry will be the catalyst for the other SMEs in the rural areas.
Next : Move to bring World Boxing Title fight to PNG